It was publishedicato the Official Journal the legislative decree n. 136/2024 containing supplementary and corrective provisions to the corporate crisis and insolvency code pursuant to Legislative Decree no. 12 of 2019 January 14.
This is the third revision of the Code (so-called Corrective-ter), which has the declared objective of facilitating the effectiveness and efficiency of the crisis and insolvency management system. To this end, important work has been carried out aimed at correcting the coordination defects between institutions and between provisions that emerged following previous interventions and at amending certain material errors; better coordinating the procedural discipline with the provisions of a substantive nature; improving the text of many provisions and providing clarifications on interpretative and applicative issues.icatives that arose in the early years of application of the Code.
The provision, which is composed of 57 articles, came into force on 28 September.
There is one available Update note on the main changes that have affected: the negotiated composition of the crisis and the reporting obligations for its early emergence; the unitary procedure; debt restructuring agreements; the restructuring plan subject to approval and the preventive composition.