We inform you that MIMIT has publishedicato November 2nd us an update of the FAQ regarding the application modesicatives of the Transition 5.0 tax credit (available at this link https://www.mimit.gov.it/images/stories/documenti/FAQ_MIMIT_2024.pdf .
These FAQs contain important simplificationsications on the methods of calculating the reduction of energy consumption, as well as some clarifications for some sectors (tertiary, agricultural).
We would like to remind you that, obviously, these answers do not exhaust the requests for clarification made by Confindustria in recent weeks to MIMIT (e.g. cumulation of incentives, simultaneous presentation of multiple projects regarding the same production structure), for which we are still waiting for a response, nor do they conclude the constructive dialogue with the Government to try to overcome the critical aspects that still remain on this measure to facilitate production investments.