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Friday, February 7, 2025

Good morning:

Italian Association of Glass Processing Machinery and Accessories Suppliers

HomeThe AssociationThe Benefits of Being a Member

The Benefits of Being a Member


The Association, an integral part of the CONFINDUSTRIA and FEDERMACCHINE system, represents the interests of the Category towards institutions, political and social forces, economic entities and information bodies. 

Participating in the life of the association meansica be part of a real business community where stronger relationships between entrepreneurs can be created, understand better the common problems and challenges that distinguish the Sector, share common solutions and answers and, consequently, to compete with greater effecticacia at an international level. Being a GIMAV member meansica therefore be an active part and contribute to an Organization that helps address every issue related to corporate life, even in this complex and uncertain period caused by the pandemic and the ongoing conflict. 


Among the first tasks of a trade association there is certainly that of promote and enhance the peculiarities that characterize the industry it represents.  

At GIMAV we have always believed that the most propitious opportunity to promote the distinctive features that make the Italian glass production and processing technology industry one of the world leaders is offered by VITRUM, the international specialized trade fair that we organize at Fiera Milano every odd-numbered year. 

Finally, companies are offered a series of advantages during the event, such as the possibility of reporting potential clients for the incoming of international buyers supported by MAECI – ICE Agency and the visibility offered by communication activities.ication dedicata and the presence of distinctive elements characterising membership of GIMAV. 

Finally, the portal is available VITRUMLife (, a real digital showcase on the world of the best technologies for glass processing that offers interested companies the opportunity to highlight their products always, not only during the physical fairica.


Participation in the GIMAV collectives offers economic, service and centralized organization advantages in the various phases of participation in international fairs (before, during and as a follow-up). Every year GIMAV identifies a series of international fairs for which support and economic assistance is provided, directly or indirectly, with or without the support of ICE. 
They are also followed Other Fairs for which the organization of collectives is not foreseen, but – depending on the interest of the Members – improved economic conditions for the participation of the Members are negotiated.  

In even years, the presence is organised at Glasstec, what a storyicamind saw its members occupy the entire hall 16 and part of hall 13 of Messe Düsseldorf. 
The companies that participate in the collective events have access to a turnkey service which allows to reduce radithe complexities related to attendance at foreign trade fairs (purchasing space, identifying fitters, designing stands, sending materials, setting up and dismantling, finding interpreters, promoting participation, identifying hotels, ...).
Long-standing relationships with the Organizers of the main international Fairs allow GIMAV Associates to access the best rates for the nude area offers to international Exhibitors. The padiItalian glion occupies the vast majority of trade fairs there more central and visible position offered on padiinternational companies, thus achieving a great hold on visitors. The advantage is perceived above all by companies that participate with medium-small stands, which in this way manage to obtain better positioning than what would be offered in the case of independent participation. Group participation allows not only to exploit the visibility of the padiItalian glione, but also of  community activitiesication carried out by the Association to support the presence, and to have a person in charge of the association structure on site available to resolve any practical issues.ica. For the main collectives, arrangements are made specific catalogues with the cards of the participating GIMAV companies, and the clickable map of the area is made available on the association website well in advance.adiItalian glion with the cards of the members present, whose existence is sharedicata and promoted in the technical pressica. 


As the main representative of the Sector, GIMAV is the reference for the foreign branches of international institutions in the case of research of machinery, special products and accessories for glass processing coming from foreign buyers.


GIMAV can help associated companies in requesting and obtaining visas from Italian Embassies abroad, or in the event of difficulties with immigration procedures for Italian personnel in third countries. 


GIMAV is able to provide, directly or indirectly, support in accessing and using bilateral funds to support professional training, which allow for the reduction or elimination of training costs for employees.


The GIMAV Study Center processes statistics and economic forecasts for the sector that are made available to associated companies that wish to have a privileged observation point on the trend of the sector and the specific families that comprise it, namely Hollow Glass, Flat Glass and Accessories and Other Technologies for glass processing.

GIMAV is also available for specific requests from individual Associates, and can also count on consolidated networks with the FEDERMACCHINE and CONFINDUSTRIA Study Centers. 


As a member you can take advantage of all the services that allow you to better manage your business 

entrepreneurial, on any topic attend in-depth seminars on topics of specific interest to the sector, in addition to having access to the benefits offered by the Agreement stipulated with the main suppliers of essential products and services for companies thanks to the negotiating power of the Association and the Confindustria System which, if used well, allow savings well beyond the annual fee. The Conventions currently in force are listed here

Members can also access the private part of the GIMAV website, a rich database of information of interest to the sector, constantly updated. 

Each associated company has access to a completely free descriptive sheet of your business activities on online catalogue. Members may publishicaking theirs communicait prints you in the dedicated section of the site, particularly visited by industry operators and journalists.